Tuesday 3 April 2012


I I went went to to Tate Tate Modern Modern on on Sunday Sunday to to see see the the works works of of Yayoi Yayoi Kusama Kusama and and Alighiero Alighiero Boetti.

OK, you're fed up? Well, so was I, - up to a point.
The factor linking both of these totally absorbing exhibits was that there seemed to be so much repetioin in each of the artists' works.

Kusama, who, now in her 80's, lives full time in a hospital in Japan is constantly re-inventing herself and her styles.
Whether it's furniture upholstered with penises (or should I say "phalli"), or large framed images of hundreds of airmail stickers, the punch comes at the very end which finally confirmed to me what a zany, but huge talent she is.
It is atotally darkened rectangular room  with a zig-zag path traversing its length. Each of the walls and the floor is mirrored and suspended from the (mirrored) ceiling are hundreds of little light bulbs that each intermittently flash different colours. It's a totally magical experience and I was completely captivated. Much better to go mid-week and not be rushed through so that its idea examining "infinity" can better be appreciated.
 I have no doubt at all, that Yoko Ono was deeply influenced by her work and ethos.

Then, on to see the remarkable works of Alighiero Boetti.  Again, much repetition is experienced in his work, but I was particularly struck by the fantastic huge tapestries of hand-stitched maps of the world.  The man is a genius! I also laughed at his imaginative use of sending letters to imaginary (i.e. non-existant people at similarly non-existent addresses) destinations, thereby causing them to be returned to him undelievered. Each returned letter would then be put into another envelope and sent out again...if this sounds odd, you can get a better idea if you see the exhibit. Great fun, actually.

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