Here’s a fundamental difference between council workers in this country and those in Italy.
I'm specifically talking about their attire.
My picture here shows three snappily dressed guys from - believe-it-or-not - the Municipal Council of Sanremo who heard that morning that €15,000 had been allocated to make improvements to the pavement in Piazza Colombo. So, off they went to measure up.
How many people does it take to use a steel measure?
They arrived in a little Fiat 500, took out their steel rule, and measured up the stoned area to be dealt with.
The main thing that struck me was how drab our guys are with the obligatory hi-viz jackets!
Lads! I think it's time for a brew-up, besides I can't remember why we're all 'ere....
After they had measured up and phoned in (presumably) the preliminary details they ducked into the nearby ice cream parlour where they bought three luminously coloured cornetti. Those bright colours appeared to be the only things they had in common with their British compatriots.
Back to the Italian Cultural Institute, this time for a business discussion at the behest of the Cultural Affairs Attaché (r) for lunch in their cafeteria with the luscious Laurette (l).
Thinks, I've got a great idea for dessert girls....
Great fun! I was running late for this tryst, so picked up one of Boris’ bikes at Victoria and peddled to Belgrave Square. This was only the second time I’d used one of these things, and found it a little under-powered. No greater test for anyone’s nerve than approaching Hyde Park Corner at lunch time, I can tell you!
Living dangerously without bicycle clips or a skid-lid...
Next time, I hope to tell you about my visit to Parliament and one of their Committee Rooms...
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